Aide mémoire sur les commandes nvim

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Quelques commandes ou raccourcis bien utiles que j’oublie trop vite..


Insert special unicode character

  • Insert mode
  • ctrl+U (nb: U is Uppercase)
  • 2665 (ex: ♥)

List all digraphs



  • CTRL+K Eu: €
  • CTRL+K OK: ✓
  • CTRL+K XX: ✗

G prefix command

move to last/next change (in insert mode)


Display ascii code of current character


change case with motion (lower/upper)


gUiw  (upper whole word)

Quick select or change

Change content inside quotes


Select content inside {


Insert Mode

Inserting and Deleting

  • CTRL+a - Insert the last content inserted.

  • CTRL+@ - Insert the last content inserted and quit INSERT mode.

  • CTRL+h - Delete the character before the cursor.

  • CTRL+w - Delete the word under the cursor.

  • CTRL+u - Delete everything before the cursor.

  • CTRL+t - Add one indentation.

  • CTRL+d - Delete one indentation.

  • CTRL+O - Come back to normal mode for one stroke

Replacement with sed

  • :s/pattern/replacement/ - Substitute the first occurrence of pattern on the current line with replacement.
  • :%s/pattern/replacement/ - Substitute every first occurrence of pattern on each line of the current buffer.
  • :%s/pattern/replacement/g - Substitute every occurrence of pattern on each line of the current buffer.

c - Ask you to confirm each substitution.

Quickfix list

You can think of a quickfix list as a set of positions in one or multiple files.

  • :cl̀ or :clist - Display all valid entries of the current quickfix list. You can add a range as argument (only numbers).
  • :cc <number> - Move to the th entry of the current quickfix list.
  • :cnext or :cn - Move to the next entry of the current quickfix list.
  • :cprevious or :cp - Move to the previous entry of the current quickfix

commands (like :make or :grep) also populate automatically a quickfix list

The Quickfix Window

  • :copen or :cope - Open a window (with a special buffer) to show the current quickfix list.

Location List

you can have multiple location lists available at the same time (one per window open), but you can only have access to one quickfix list.


:!man tree

Result in Buffer

  • Insert mode
  • ctrl+r =
  • your command (ex: system("tree"))


:r! tree  


#vim #ide

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