Veille tech de la semaine du 9 Octobre
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Voici les nouvelles tech et autres articles que j’ai collectés ces dernières semaines
Web / Javascript
Photoshop is now on the web, by Addy Osmani
Enabled by WebAssembly + Emscripten, Web Components + Lit, Service Workers + Workbox & new Web APIs. Chrome & Adobe enjoyed collaborating on it. Bringing the Photoshop desktop application to the web…An Interactive Intro to Conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT), by jakelazaroff
CRDTs don’t have to be all academic papers and math jargon. Learn what CRDTs are and how they work through interactive visualizations and code samples.Strong static typing, a hill I’m willing to die on…, by Svix
This is a post about strong static typing, why I feel strongly about the topic, and some of the ways we utilize the Rust type system at Svix.
Create an RSS Feed in Axum or Leptos, by Ben Wishovich
Showing you how I made an RSS feed in Axum as a part of my Leptos app!Rust Dockerfile Boilerplate, by Peter Todorov
A Rust Dockerfile boilerplate for quickly building size optimized images with cached dependenciesRustconf 2023 recap, by Adam Chalmers
Talks, People, The Unconference, Albuquerque, Vibe check
Produit / Organisation
- Balancing velocity and long-term planning, by LogRocket Blog
Increasing velocity doesn’t always drive value. This guide offers tips to help product managers balance delivering output with long-term planning.
Cloud / Ops
- Kubernetes security fundamentals, by Datadog Security Labs
Introducing a new series of posts on Kubernetes security fundamentals with a discussion of some of the complexities of Kubernetes security.
Société / Vie privée / Défense des libertés
🇫🇷 IA décentralisée : comment garantir davantage d’équité et de respect de la vie privée ? Inria
🇫🇷 Statistiques 2023 sur la transformation numérique de l’Europe et de la France,
Les premières mentions du terme “digital transformation” remontent à 2011. Voilà donc plus de 10 ans que l’on parle de l’évolution des marchés et des entreprises sous l’influence des usages et technologies numériques. Vous pourriez penser que cette transformation est achevée, pourtant nous n’en sommes qu’au début, car ce que nous avons connu s’apparente plus…