Veille tech de la semaine du 24 Décembre
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Voici les nouvelles tech et autres articles que j’ai collectés ces dernières semaines
Web / Javascript
You don’t need JavaScript for that, HTMHell
A collection of bad practices in HTML, copied from real websites.10 Web Development Trends in 2023
Web Development Trends in 2023 which should be on your watchlist. A walkthrough of the state of JS …How to implement State Machines and Statecharts in dart and Flutter | Sandro Maglione
Implement State Machines and Statecharts in dart and flutter: how to model a state machine, how to use generics to make the machine type-safe, and how to extend the state machine to make it a statechart.
Why Enums in Rust feel so much better ?
This article talks about what enums in Rust are, how they compare to other languages that use enums and what makes Rust enums better.The Most Common Rust Compiler Errors as Encountered in RustRover: Part 1, The IntelliJ Rust Blog
The Rust compiler is a picky creature. If it’s unhappy with the source code it’s fed, it can emit more than 400 different errors (with more being added every month!). Some of the errors are extremelyThe Most Common Rust Compiler Errors as Encountered in RustRover: Part 2, The IntelliJ Rust Blog
In Part 1 of this blog series, we dug into our list of the top 10 most common Rust compiler errors according to RustRover’s usage data, and we made it halfway through the list. In this part, we’ll expThe Heart of a Language Server
In this post, I want to expand on one curious comment from rust-analyzer code base.You can find the comment here.Common Mistakes with Rust Async
Let’s be honest, Async Rust is hard. It has many more rough edges than Sync Rust and requires a different mindset, but it solves a problem space well, that is hard to tackle otherwise. It allows safer network concurrency than C++ Boost.Asio and I would start this post by giving a big thanks to the Tokio team & ecosystem for the amazing work they provide to the community.Behind the Scenes of Rust String Formatting: format_args!() - Mara’s Blog
The fmt::Arguments type is one of my favorite types in the Rust standard library. It’s not particularly amazing, but it is a great building block that is indirectly used in nearly every Rust program. This type, together with the format_args!() macro, is the power behind print!(), format!(), log::info!() and many more text formatting macros, both from the standard library and community crates. In this blog post, we learn how it works, how it is implemented today, and how that might change in the future.
Data / IA
- ML Transformers in the browser
State-of-the-art Machine Learning for the web. Run Transformers directly in your browser, with no need for a server!
Produit / Organisation
Choosing the Right Git Branching Strategy: A Comparative Analysis
Cloud / Ops
The Culture of Cost Optimization — Reducing Kubernetes cost by $300,000
Trippy: A network diagnostic tool
A network diagnostic tool that combines Ping and tracerouteAdopt Open ID Connect (OIDC) in Terraform for secure multi-account CI/CD to AWS - Håkon Eriksen Drange
Deploy to AWS with Terraform and GitHub Actions using Open ID Connect (OIDC) and IAM AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity. Say goodbye to IAM users and long-lived credentials.Terraform docs tool
Generate Terraform modules documentation in various formats
Connaissances / Recherche
Société / Vie privée / Défense des libertés
🇫🇷 Mes 10 prédictions pour 2024 –
Voilà presque 20 ans que je publie mes prédictions pour les usages numériques, et rarement je n’avais ressenti une telle excitation pour un sujet en particulier. L’intelligence artificielle va donc éclipser les autres sujets et monopoliser toute l’attention. Ceci étant dit, le potentiel et les enjeux des modèles génératifs justifient une telle sur-exposition, même de…🇫🇷 Rétrospective 2023 et sujets éditoriaux pour 2024 –
Alors que la date de la traditionnelle trêve hivernale approche, nous achevons une année 2023 qui a été particulièrement riche en actualités numériques, notamment grâce à ChatGPT et la lame de fond de l’IA générative. Au-delà des promesses des modèles génératifs, c’est tout le processus de transformation numérique qui est relancé pour espérer faire mieux…